Coaching & Consulting Services Offered
Services Covered by Extended Health Benefits
Personal and Professional Coaching * Professional Development * Consulting
We do not provide crisis services.
If you are in crisis, please call 911 or crisis services at 1-844-437-3247.
Personal Coaching

Personal coaching includes life, parent/family, various skills and performance coaching. Personal coaching focuses on creating a vison, developing clear personal goals, increasing awareness and planning to accomplish the defined goals. Coaching provides support to increase the focus and accountability needed to persist with reaching the defined goals and vision. Unlike many personal coaching services, Limestone utilizes a bio-psycho-socio-cultural education and approach supported by a social work and psychotherapy focus to provide a more thorough and tailored approach to personal coaching. This approach allows for the assessment of additional factors impacting goal achievement and provides support for clients to address any root psychological barriers that may be in the way of personal goal achievement. Book a 15-minute phone call to further discuss how this service might fit for you.
Personal Coaching Service Areas
Life Coaching
- Life visioning
- Personal goals
Parent/Family Coaching
- Family/parent visioning
- Collaborative family meetings
- Parent coaching
- Parenting unique children
- Caregiver advocacy
- Partnering visioning
- Pre-commitment coaching
- De-gendering partnering roles
- Decolonizing the family
Personal Skills Coaching
- Active listening and effective communication
- Collaborative conflict resolution
- Boundaries and assertiveness
- Flexible thinking
- Deconstructing groupthink and ableism
Performance Coaching
- Athletic performance (nervous system regulation, visioning and self-talk)
- Polyvagal application for coaching
Professional Coaching and Consulting

Professional coaching and consulting services focus on individual career development, professional self development, effective professional skills development and use of self in the professional setting. Professional coaching and consulting provide focus to outline and accomplish professional goals by building awareness and supporting the achievement of identified goals through relevant education and application of the bio-psycho-socio-cultural approach. Professional coaching and consulting services may also combine psychotherapy services where personal blocks to professional goals may exist. One area that specifically utilizes psychotherapy is the area of professional use of self where personal triggers and reactions in the professional setting may impact the professional’s function in the workplace.
Limestone’s professional coaching and consulting focuses on providing service to various human services professionals in the fields of psychotherapy and social work, health/human care (helping professions), education and leadership and management/executive professionals. Book a 15-minute phone call to further discuss how this service might fit for you.
Professional Coaching and Consulting Service Areas
Professional Development Coaching and Consulting
- Career visioning, goals and development
- Business visioning, goals and development
- Bio-psycho-socio-cultural education for law professionals
- HR coaching and consulting
- PR considerations for responding to online reviews for business owners
- Arts based consulting
Professional Skills and Performance Coaching
- Active listening and effective communication
- Assertiveness, boundaries and conflict management
- Flexible thinking and problem solving
- Leading effective teem meetings
- Professional workplace goals
Professional Use of Self
- Psychotherapists, Social Workers, Health and Human Service Professionals
- Educators and Childcare Workers (professional roles in and outside the classroom)
- Leadership, Management/Executive Professionals
Psychotherapist and Social Worker Coaching and Consulting
- Private practice coaching and consulting
- Professional use of self
- Process based service approaches
- Trauma informed practice
- Theory application
- Recognizing and responding to transference and counter transference
- Power, privilege and bias awareness
- Identifying and dealing with vicarious trauma
- Self care and burnout prevention
- Social work in the education setting
A Note About Services for Psychotherapy and Social Work Professionals
Services are not considered to be clinical supervision or case management services. Services are intended to focus on the development of the professional and their professional practice. A clinical supervision or case management relationship would require a separate teaching agreement be negotiated. Limestone does not currently provide clinical supervision or case management services.
Healthcare and Human Service Professional Coaching and Consulting
- Client/patient-centred positive based approaches in the helping professions
- Professional use of self in the helping professions
- Proactive based polyvagal application for healthcare and emergency service workers
- Process based approaches in the helping professions
- Creating and contributing to positive climate and cultures
- Active listening, effective communication and dealing with conflict
- Trauma informed approaches to client/patient centred care
- Power, privilege and bias awareness in the helping professions
- Identifying and dealing with vicarious trauma in the helping professions setting
- Self care and burnout prevention for helping service professionals
Educational and Socialization Professional Coaching and Consulting
- Child focused, strength-based positive approaches to childcare and education
- Professional use of self in childcare and education
- Proactive based polyvagal application for positive coregulation
- Attachment based classroom management
- Creating and contributing to a positive climate and cultures in the classroom and school setting
- Active listening, effective communication and dealing with conflict and difficult situations
- Power, privilege and bias awareness in the education setting
- Effective class meetings
- Neurodiversity in classroom
- Diversity and equity in the classroom
- Trauma informed classroom management
- Polyvagal application for classroom management
- Shifting from a punitive behaviour focus to a supportive diversity focus
- Parent communication and effective collaboration with parents and the school community
- Flexible thinking and creative problem solving in the classroom
- Trauma informed and mental health sensitive classrooms and schools
- Supporting child focused wellness
- Self care and burnout prevention for helping service professionals
Leadership, Management/Executive Coaching and Consulting
- Positive/strength-based leadership approaches
- Professional use of self in leadership
- Proactive based polyvagal application
- Creating and maintaining positive climate and cultures
- Active listening and effective communication
- Team building and project management leadership
- Leading cohesive teams (autonomy, diversity and collaboration)
- Leading effective team meetings
- Power and use of self in leadership
- Process based leadership
- Creative problem solving
- Dealing with difficult situations and managing conflict
- Trauma informed and mental health sensitive leadership
- Supporting workplace wellness
- HR coaching and consulting
Organizational and Systems Coaching and Consulting

Organizational coaching and consulting services focus on supporting change on a systemic level within organizations. Change is focused on supporting higher level functioning and healthy human friendly environments. Organizational coaching and consulting supports positive change by building awareness through education utilizing the bio-psycho-socio-cultural model and the application of theory to support the achievement of the identified goals. Limestone’s organizational coaching and consulting focuses on work within the fields of education, health/human care settings and business professional settings. Book a 15-minute phone call to further discuss how this service might fit for you.
Organizational and Systemic Coaching and Consulting Service Areas
Bio-Psycho-Socio-Cultural Education for Human Services, Education and Workplace Settings
- Trauma informed mental health and wellness in the workplace
- Neurodiversity in the workplace
- Attachment-based approaches in the workplace
- Shifting from a punitive behaviour focus to a supportive diversity focus
- Polyvagal applications for a healthy workplace
- Decolonizing the workplace
- Human positive workplace climates and cultures
- Deconstructing groupthink and ableism in the workplace
- Bias, marginalization, inclusion and privilege in the workplace
- Polyvagal application for sports and coaching settings
Education, Socialization and Care Settings Coaching and Consulting
- Healthy school and care setting climates and cultures
- Trauma informed climate and culture
- Proactive based polyvagal application
- Neurodiversity friendly climate and culture
- Social work in education and care settings
- Decolonizing education and care settings
- Shifting from a punitive behaviour focus to a supportive diversity focus
- Shifting fear based reactive systems toward curious supportive systems
- Marginalization, inclusion, ableism, unconscious bias and privilege awareness
- Identifying and addressing systemic groupthink
- 360 assessments of climate, culture and community function
- Policy and practices development
- Polyvagal and attachment-based classroom and care setting management practices
- Proactive mental health and wellness approaches
- Strength-based systems
- Collaborative parent/care giver and community relationships
- Socialization and care setting revisioning
- Education revisioning and reform
Healthcare and First Responder Coaching and Consulting
- Healthy workplace cultures
- Strength-based cultures
- Trauma informed approaches to service
- Polyvagal based culture and climate
- Neurodiversity and mental health diversity
- Marginalization, inclusion, ableism, unconscious bias and privilege awareness
- Identifying and addressing systemic groupthink
- Policy and practices development
- Trauma informed and polyvagal application for in-patient and long-term care
- Trauma informed approaches to services (perceived safety and autonomy)
- Proactive based polyvagal application for healthcare and emergency service workers
Professional Workplace Coaching and Consulting
- Healthy workplace cultures
- Strength-based cultures
- Trauma informed workplaces
- Polyvagal based workplace culture and climate
- Neurodiversity and mental health diversity in the workplace
- Marginalization, inclusion, ableism, unconscious bias and privilege awareness
- Identifying and addressing systemic groupthink
- Policy and practices development
- HR coaching and consulting
A Note on Scope of Service
Limestone provides coaching and consulting services to independent individuals. Client’s goals must fit within the scope of Limestone’s stated services. Where there is a request for service or client goal that falls outside the scope of Limestone’s services, clients will be referred to other specializing professionals and/or relevant community supports and services.
In line with our one-to-one service delivery model, Limestone does not provide group education services. Coaching and consulting services are provided within a wholistic human centred framework, as such, services are not focused on increasing the profit or productivity of businesses or organizations alone. Services are values driven, respect, diversity, human health and healthy communities focused. We believe that this approach provides an optimal approach to supporting profit and productivity in an ethical humanistic framework that balances human needs with business and organizational needs. At the root of this approach is the concept that ultimately people will function at their highest level when their humanity and communities are supported and that systems should support healthy human life. As such, Limestone does not provide traditional business model coaching and consulting.
Conflicts of Interest
Limestone may be restricted in the ability to provide services where there may be a conflict of interest. Conflicts of interest arise when there may be, or there is a risk of, dual relationships. Clients are asked to reveal any potential conflicts of interest at the onset of service requests and/or as they may become apparent during service delivery.
Coaching and Consulting Theoretical Foundations
Limestone relies on an expansive number of bio-psycho-socio-cultural theories that inform the delivery of coaching and consulting services. Coaching and consulting services are delivered with a process oriented, client centred, trauma informed, neurodiversity lens. With the use of an extensive base of theories, there is often considerable overlap in the foundations and application of various intersecting theories. Some of the core foundational theories and approaches that are utilized in service delivery are as follows:
Polyvagal Theory
Attachment Theory
Transactional Analysis Theory
Systems Theory
Neuroplasticity Theories
Conflict Theories
Diversity Theories